candid thoughts on the issues of the day.
The Way's Articles » Page 5
February 23, 2004 by Robert Guinness
A recent report that the Pentagon has produced a study on global climate change reminded me of an article I published in 2002 in Student Life, the newspaper at Washington University in St. Louis. I thought I'd reprint it here because it's still very topical: The war on ourselves: stop global warming by Robert Guinness "You are either with us or against us." These are the harsh, truthful words of President Bush regarding his international coalition against terrorism. Tackling such...
February 20, 2004 by Robert Guinness
I have created a KerrySpace email group for those interested. Here is the description: This group will help to organize those supporters of John Kerry, who are very interested in space policy. We will work to influence Senator Kerry's platform on space policy--by formulating ideas for space policy, which can be presented to the public for comment, and then submitted to Senator Kerry for his approval and use in debate against his opponent. We will otherwise support Senator Kerry's Presiden...
February 20, 2004 by Robert Guinness
Recently the number of hits on the Mars Rover website ( exceeded the global human population on Earth. Quite Amazing! Check out this article from NASA: What does this mean for public support of space exploration?
February 16, 2004 by Robert Guinness
Well, I should be working right now, but I was so excited when I checked JoeUser Monday morning and found that we had some posts on our blog ring site...I just had to take some time for a quick post! There are still a few kinks in the road (The group blog feature is a new one, so I think they are still working out some bugs and adding more features.) Right now it is pretty hard to actually find the posts. I'm going to email the administrator of this site (I've already had significant communic...
February 11, 2004 by Robert Guinness
I just read an article from the International Herald Tribune (which I actually read on , which states that the first flag on Mars, should not be the American Flag, but the "flag of Planet Earth" I would like to respond to this with a sobering fact: There is no "flag of Planet Earth." I'm not saying there shouldn't be, but the fact is, there isn't. Sure, there is the United Nations flag, but this hardly represents a unified planet. Yes, we could easily design a "flag ...
February 11, 2004 by Robert Guinness
So on NewsHour they were talking about debt forgiveness of Iraq. I don't understand it! Why should we even entertain the thought that Iraq has to pay back countries like France, Germany, and Russia?! Those countries should be ashamed at even the thought So on NewsHour they were talking about debt forgiveness of Iraq. I don't understand it! Why should we even entertain the thought that Iraq has to pay back countries like France, Germany, and Russia?! Those countries should be ashamed at even the ...
February 11, 2004 by Robert Guinness
Thanks so much for agreeing to be a part of this weblog ring. I hope you will find it not only a good way to keep in touch with your friends, but also to meet some new friends (our mutual friends). To start off, please create an article that introduces yourself, and share with us something funny you remember or know about your dorky host, Rob. Enjoy! -rob
February 3, 2004 by Robert Guinness
January 23, 2004 by Robert Guinness
I returned from Bolivia last Saturday. It was an amazing experience, and I learned a lot. I would write more about it here, but I would rather keep my notes on my group blog site, which can be found at Please check it out, and you are welcome to leave comments on this site, or on our Contact page at Now that I'm back in the USA, most of my focus has been on the Presidential primaries. My state, Missouri, will have its ...
January 2, 2004 by Robert Guinness
I am currently participating in a group blog, and all my posts for the next few weeks will be at the following site: I am currently in Cochabamba, Bolivia, working wish orphaned children, and this blog is about our experience there. Please follow along, and let us know what you think! Thanks. -rob
December 26, 2003 by Robert Guinness
I'm relatively new to web publishing, but thus far have been pleased with my meager but promising results. I was talking with a friend today, however, who just broke into the periodical publishing industry, and he offered a negative criticism of web publishing, saying that it fails to weed out the trash. I agree with him to some extent. I believe, however, that readers can choose for themselves who is trash and who isn't. What I do hope though is that web publishing does not become a replace...
December 21, 2003 by Robert Guinness
So apparently Libya wants to change its ways and join "the community of nations." I think this is great! I understand the complaints of the families of the Pan Am 103 victims, but I think when we live in a world with SO MUCH history of violence and bad, bad choices, we really need to learn how to forgive and move on. Or else we will just propagate violence like that committed in 1988, allegedly supported by Col. Moammar Gadhafi (I really don't know the evidence of this claim too well, so I won't...
December 21, 2003 by Robert Guinness
I like to think each day about how the world could be a better place. The site is mostly full of those thoughts. I don't claim to have a monopoly on truth, and sometimes I'm flat out wrong. I also don't claim to be perfectly capable of implementing all my thoughts into reality. But I'm trying...