candid thoughts on the issues of the day.
Everyone Needs to Help Out for it to Work
Published on July 13, 2004 By Robert Guinness In Blogging
I don't know about you all, but asides from JU, I also participate regularly in several online forums focused on specific topics of discussion. Lately, after writing a JoeUser article, I've been going to forums that focus on a topic related to the topic of the article and just making a post saying,

"Hey, check out this article I wrote on [subject of forum in which you are posting]. Please give me your feedback!"

Then I provide a link directly to my article.

What has occured is that my blog site gets more traffic, in addition to referrals. The referrals are particularly helpful because I think they give your site points. Also, my article usually shows up in the "Today's Top Referred Article Section," which even if no one ever notices, increases chances that your article headline will end up in search engines.

So here's my proposal: Everyone spend 5-minutes max after they post their article posting a link to it on one or two forums. If you don't know of a forum, just go to google, and type in: [Article subject] forum
Usually you have to register for a forum to post, but it only takes about 2-minutes usually. Make sure when you post your forum message you make a true html LINK to your article, so that people can click on that link and the article will get referral points.

If everyone does this for the majority of their articles, we will quickly build up thousands of links back to Joeuser, which will help us immensely in our search engine PageRank. It will also hopefully bring potentially tens of thousands of new readers (and bloggers) to Joeuser, who represent a wide range of interests from across the internet.

Please try it out, and maybe you we can keep a list of forums that we posted on here in this thread, so others can see what progress we are making.

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